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HESPRI Strasbourg Workshop - May 2023

At the end of May 2023 (May 22-26), the University of Strasbourg organized a one-week seminar to brainstorm and discuss WP1 methodology. Colleagues from USPEE (Felicia Banu, Cristina Copaceanu), PAAET (Ahoud Alasfour), OKA (Dong Kim), IPRE (Veronica Jantoan), UNAB (Pete Leihy) and UNISTRA (Emilien Jacob, Elisabeth Regnault, Sylvie Godiep and Sébastien Tétard).

The seminar was followed by a programme of activities developed by UNISTRA, including visits to Strasbourg City Museum, Strasbourg by boat, the town of Ribeauvillé, the castles of Alsace and the typical vineyards of the region.

A second seminar - Séminaire de chercheures invitées à l’Université de Strasbourg traitant de l’enseignement supérieur selon une perspective internationale et pluridisciplinaire. Séminaire de présentation du projet de recherche européen HESPRI (May 31) - was organized to present the work of guest researchers to the members of LISEC (educational laboratory in Strasbourg).